A Wish That Couldn't Be Real
Dead Man's Holiday
Dead Man's Holiday

Home recording compilation from the Dead Man's Holiday series.
(EXIsTmusic #7, Summer 2002)
- realization
- returning hope
- medley
- advice
- darkest pain
- eject, reject
- living on the fault
- turning out
- first (with you)
- unbroken rhythm
- leave me
- shield emotion
- the telephone rings
- virus (mystery of the overexposed thought pattern)
- mime games
- how to feel without thinking
- sleep on
- are you like me
- hindsight
- what was left
- will
- apart
- so why?
- advantage
- ladybug's funeral
- ...we fell apart
- least expected
To order any of these full length albums from the Dead Man's Holiday catalog, contact Chris.
Tracks are heard on these albums:
1-Careless Months
2,3-Where I Left Off
4,5-Never Say Never(never means never)
6,7-The Unrequited Decided
8,9-The Cause Of This I Know Not
10-Tangled Up In Muse
11,12-The Next Fall
13,14-Gifts and Clues
15-Free Association Dreams
16-Her Victim
17,18-Today Stop Feeling
19-Mental Block Midnight(making the breakdown)
21,22-There Is No Eye In Beauty
23,24-...Thirty Seconds Of Every Day
25-36 Months
26,27-March to May